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Retrieving your keys for Farnell

To retrieve your API keys from Farnell, please send an email to your account manager with the following information:
- Company name
- Country
- Farnell account number

Once your request has been accepted, your account manager will provide you with the necessary information to complete in Adesio - Smart Supply Manager®.

You can request this directly online at https://partner.element14.com/member/register.

Fill in the requested information, then once this is done, please confirm your account with the action email received by mail.

Return to the site and log in

Once connected, press the “Get API Keys” button

Please then enter the following information:

Name of your application: ades.io (if already taken add the name of your company)

Web Site: https://www.ades.io

Please describe what your application will do: get Product Availability information

What type of application are you building?   Web application with client-side calls   

How many people do you anticipate will use you application? 1-10     

Is your application commercial? (Will you charge people to access the application?) No

Does your application run advertising? No

Notes: get product availability data

What is your preferred protocol? REST    

What is your preferred output format? JSON     

Register Callback URL: https://ssm.ades.io

Select which Web APIs this application will use: Standard

Then enter the key in Adesio - Smart Supply Manager